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Advanced Document SearchTanks are basic components for the operational structure of every facility or ship. The maintenance of these tanks is important to public safety, the environment, facility operations and cost control. The gradual corrosion of these tanks eventually can lead to business interruption, expensive maintenance and/or replacement.
Sponge Media™ abrasives can be used on:
Sponge-Jet technology makes abrasive blasting these tanks faster, cheaper and less problematic with fewer business interruptions – while providing extended coating life and reduced future maintenance costs. Using Sponge-Jet technology allows multiple Sponge Blasters operating in close proximity with near perfect visibility; Sponge Blasting takes place with reduced need for dust-collection, dehumidification, less waste and material handling. The end result… lower total project costs from: high-first pass quality and less rework; multiple trades continue work near/during Sponge Blasting; the ability to continuously inspect tanks.
Tanks of every size, shape and construction material, inside and out, have been prepared with Sponge-Jet Technology. On fiberglass tanks the excellent visibility, precision control and unique mechanics of impact allow preparation such that structural fibers are not damaged; on coated tanks a single layer may be removed leaving the primer intact.
Interior, exterior, inside secondary containment and corrosion under insulation are all areas prepared and treated by this unique composite blasting technology. The safety and superior surface preparation provided are key advantages on critical tank preparation.
This major US power plant used Sponge-Jet to prepare the floor of this oil storage tank. The ability to remove oil residue as part of the blasting process; the reduced risk and simplified project staging were all benefits of using composite media as opposed to ordinary blasting.
When the manufacturing facility of Boston-based New England Confectionery Company (maker of NECCO wafers) was purchased by Novartis pharmaceutical company, the iconic water tower was repainted to reflect the new owner's brand. With minimal containment required and visibility from all of Boston, the water tower was prepared with Silver 80 Media™ abrasives prior to final coating.
Sponge-Jet was used to prepare these roofs, providing multiple benefits to the refinery. The visibility and lack of damaging ricochet allowed ease of blasting along roof gaskets without issue. Also noted, was the reduced need for ventilation and lighting despite having with multiple blasters – all of which experienced perfect visibility
Sponge-Jet technology was selected as the best option to prepare this hydrogen tank at a major refinery. The safety considerations and speed of completion were a significant factor; the use of Sponge Media™ abrasives allowed high visibility during blasting and simplified (tank) egress due to the reduced size of ventilation ducts.
These small oil tanks had the previous coating and rust removed by Sponge Blasting with Silver 30 Media™ abrasives to a Near White Metal, Sa2.5 (SSPC SP-10 / NACE 2 ) level of cleanliness with a 100 micron (4 mil) profile.
Tank coating removal in Cerrejón Coal Mine (Colombia) - the world’s largest open-pit coal mine; Sponge-Jet was chosen over ordinary abrasives and slurry blasting to remove failed coatings on this tank top because dust migration to surrounding workers and surrounding tanks was unacceptable.
The exterior coating of this seaside propane storage tank was failing with the surface rust. Sponge-Jet was used to prepare it; while doing so it removed chlorides to below coating threshold; it removed existing coatings, rust and provided a 75 micron (3 mil) profile.
When preparing tankers, it is critical to get perfect surface preparation the first time. Going back for touch up can disrupt any production line process and moving each unit can be time consuming. Sponge-Jet is used as both a touch-up technology for units to be repaired without going back to a blasting hall - and as the primary method of surface preparation due to its ability to assure 1st-pass quality.
The roof and exterior walls of this diesel storage tank was prepared with Sponge media™ abrasives. Containment consisting of simple debris netting allowed recovery of the media and a comfortable, safe environment for the workers. Unlike what ordinary abrasive blasting would have done, the nearby facility and equipment were never exposed to harmful abrasive dust.
PDF article describes restoration of 74-year-old water tower featuring Sponge-Jet low dust, reusable…
DownloadPipelines are crucial for transporting clean water from treatment plants to cities, businesses, and homes. By maintaining a closed piping system from the source to the faucet, water utilities reduce the risk of water contamination. During the manufacturing of these pipes, proper surface prep must be completed to ensure that they maintain their integrity after coating and installation.
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